讚美操導師 - 伍陳玉清


Praise dance Instructor - Evelyne Ng

April 2016

回望過去五年,只有感恩…..。 感謝神!讓我在社羣服務帶領大家做讚美操,實在是很大的福氣。讚美操是一種配合悠揚音樂讓全身筋骨伸展,鍛鍊心臟的有氧運動,更可增加關節的柔軟度,增強體能。歌詞都是充滿喜樂、祝福、平安、神的慈愛。很開心能與一班喜愛運動的朋友一同做讚美操,鍛鍊身體,令身手更靈活,又能鍛鍊記憶力。看見同學們都很投入,很認真,很起勁,我心中為你們感恩。藉著讚美操,能認識到你們,同學們都會彼此關心,互相幫助及勉勵,我很珍惜與你們所建立的友誼。祝大家有健康的身體,更盼望你們都能認識這位創造宇宙萬物的神,得着天上的福氣!

Being thankful is the only thing I can say when looking back over the last five years.... Thanks to the Lord for allowing me to lead the praise dance class in the Community Service Ministry. It is indeed a great blessing. Praise dance is an aerobic exercise that stretches the body and exercises the heart in harmony with music. It can also increase the flexibility of the joints and enhance physical fitness. The lyrics are full of joy, blessing, peace, and the love of God. I am very pleased to do praise dance with a group of exercises-loving friends. Together, through praise dancing, our hands and feet become more flexible, and our memory is trained. I feel thankful to see that our students are very committed, serious, and energetic.  We have become good friends, caring, helping and encouraging each other. I cherish the friendship with each of the students. I wish you all good health, and I hope that you will all know our God who created everything in the universe and will have the blessings from this heavenly Creator!

Jan 2016

讚美操是一種配合悠揚音樂而做的全身筋骨伸展運動,是鍛鍊心臟的有氧運動,更可增加關節的柔軟度,增強體能。配合音樂的節奏, 做出不同的肢體運動,能鍛鍊腦、身體、手、腳的協調。創作人選用聖經內的經文為歌詞,平日練習時可邊做邊唱: 「我若展開清晨的翅膀,飛到海極居住,就是在那裡,祢的手必引導我,祢的右手也必扶持我。」內容都充滿感恩、喜樂。每次運動後,不單出了一身汗,身體也覺輕鬆自在,心靈也得安慰、鼓勵,心情自然開朗。我希望將這運動與大家分享。



Praise dance is a complex, muscle stretching exercise accompanied by melodious music. It is a cardio aerobic exercise, and it increases the flexibility of our joints, thus enhancing physical fitness. With the rhythm of the music, we make different movements, thereby exercising the coordination of the brain, body, hands and feet. The creators of the dance chose Bible verses as lyrics, which can be sung during daily practices: "If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." The contents are filled with gratitude and joy. After each exercise, not only you sweat a lot, your body also feels at ease and carefree, your mind is comforted and encouraged, and then your mood will become naturally cheerful. I really want to share this exercise with you all.   

Since April of last year, I have been exercising with a group of praise dance friends. Whenever the music starts playing, and I see that everyone is dancing vigorously and really enjoying it, this has become the source of my strength to continue.

Through this praise dance class, I am so very happy to meet and know everyone, and therefore, able to establish a close friendship, caring for and sharing with each other. Let's hope you will join in our class, do the exercise, stay healthy, and enjoy life!