編織俱樂部導師 - 黃志慧


Knitting Club Instructor- Grace Wong

April 2019

時光荏苒,編織俱樂部已渡過了五年。我衷心感恩有機會認識一羣熱愛編織的姊妺,大家無拘無束,盡情在每星期個多兩個小時的短聚互相分享和學習編織技巧,又互相欣賞美麗的成果,更難得是大家都能成為朋友。編織俱樂部在過去五年聖誕期間都舉辦義賣,姊妹們同心協力,利用有心人士們捐贈的毛線,編織出獨一無二的衣物。趁著社羣服務五週年,我想總結義買的成績:編織作品總數355件,共籌得款項 $11,095,全數捐給教會,感謝教會提供優良的地方給我們相聚。我特別藉此感謝姊妹們過去五年的無私付出,同時作為今後繼續努力的鞭策。

Jan 2016


I am grateful to the NYCBC Community Service Ministry which entrusts me, an amateur knitting enthusiasts, with the chance to participate in the Knitting Club. Every Thursday afternoon, a group of friends who are interested in knitting would meet together to learn the skills in knitting. They would exchange ideas and share the joy of success, and at the same time, enjoy a time of chatting with and caring for each other. A ball of yarn and two needles are all we need to weave a colourful piece of art work, and furthermore, to nurture a beautiful friendship with each other.

I enjoy the time with this group of friends who share common interests and learn from each other on the skills in knitting. We not only wear our finished products, but also like to see others wearing our completed works. We look forward to this year’s products fundraising sale for NYCBC, hoping that we will get excellent results, so that we can show our gratitude to the church which has provided such wonderful opportunity to us. Let us keep on knitting and build up  good memories together.